Category Lifestyle


I had seen him only a couple times since moving back from Alaska, our interactions were brief. He’s been living outside for many years now and sleeps near parks and rivers, beside buildings, beneath bridges, or at campgrounds when possible. I had been looking to share quality time, but during our previous meetings we knew… Continue reading

The Art of Breathwork

Breathwork is a technique that has been used for thousands of years to promote health and well-being. Throughout history, cultures around the world have recognized the power of the breath to heal and transform the mind, body, and spirit. In this blog post, we will explore the history and benefits of breathwork, provide tips for… Continue reading

The Art of Meditation

Meditation is a practice that has been around for thousands of years, with roots in ancient Eastern traditions. While its exact origins are difficult to pinpoint, meditation has been practiced in various forms by cultures around the world, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Christian mysticism. Today, meditation has gained widespread popularity for its numerous mental,… Continue reading

Mr Slacklife, Andy Lewis

When I showed up to visit friends at the beach last week, I was a bit surprised. Everyone was sitting in the usual hangout circle, but there was someone different in the mix. He looked familiar, but I had never seen him there before. The guy looked very similar to someone named Andy Lewis, one… Continue reading

Another Trip Around the Sun

It had another birthday this year, thankfully. I’ve never really been big on celebrating. I just like to make sure I enjoy the day. This time around I decided to venture off on a hike, and camp alone for a couple nights. On the night before my birthday, I loaded up my backpack and had one… Continue reading

Joshua Tree New Year 2017

Below are a few pictures I shot in Joshua Tree National Park during my New Year weekend there. I planned on shooting some quality images in the park, especially some nighttime landscapes, but I wasn’t really feeling up to operating my camera in cold, wet and non-sober conditions. Here are a few snapshots from my… Continue reading

A Healthier Diet

I thought I knew what a healthy diet was, but a friend of mine recently redefined my outlook. She introduced me to vegan and vegetarian diets. Because of how I was raised, I thought it was ridiculous that people avoided eating meat and animal products. It seemed unreasonable. I’m glad I am an open minded… Continue reading

I Started a Blog!

I had been thinking about starting a blog in order to share more detailed information from my adventures and life experiences with friends and family. Well, I finally did it! It’s was a lot more work to start it up than I had anticipated, but I’m sure it will be worth the effort. I love… Continue reading